Wednesday, March 9, 2011

Changes to Espacenet.

Espacenet has changed and Philip Eagle from our BIPC team has summarised the main changes for us all below. Enjoy!


Hi everyone

Esp@cenet® has launched its new version 5 interface at The old international address will be abandoned in April or May 2011. Other national gateways will have the option of migrating to the new interface.

On the surface the layout of the page has altered, but the "Smart" search is still presented initially with the option to select the "Quick", "Advanced", "Number" and "Classification" searches which offer the same basic search options with a visual facelift.

The initial result list page contains the same information but is similarly facelifted in appearance. However, new features are available to download the list in CSV or XLS format, and to download the front pages of selected documents as a single PDF file. A "Query History" function is also available, although this must be pre-activated presumably for privacy or server load reasons.

Moving on to the display of individual patents, the main change is that the options of Bibliographic Data, Descriptions and so on are now to the left of the main display instead of at the top. The bibliographic data page now has a direct link available to copy and paste into emails or bookmarks. In the original document display, the link to download the patent as a complete pdf is now much more visible and reads simply "Download". The new look now also has "breadcrumb" trail style navigation to move between the search page, results list, and single-document display, and the search page, results list, "My Patents" list and query history are always visible as a link bar immediately below the header.



British Library
Business and IP Centre

1 comment:

kmnaveen007 said...

Thanks for the wonderful article. Recently i happened to read an article titled "pharma patent search - a challenging task". It was a well framed article which i felt, is specially helpful for those who are planning to search for pharma patents. read the complete article at