Monday, September 15, 2008

Indian Patents

Hi everyone

The Indian Patent Office now appears to be making a serious effort with regard to online patent searching. India now has four online patent databases covering different periods at They cover the patent number ranges 1 - 80000 (1912 - 1961), 80001 - 153697 (1962 - 1981), 153698 - 169500 (1982 - 1988), and 169501 to date. The first two blocks can currently be searched by application number, publication number, title, and applicant and the third by publication number only. The current section can be searched by a wider range of fields, including title, abstract, applicant, inventor, IPC classification and numbers. For the first three blocks the complete patent specification is usually available as pdf, while the current section at present only has bibliographic details and abstract with specs promised later.


Philip Eagle
British Library